Let Us Change The Direction of Paterson For A Better Future!

Dear supporter,
In early December I received a call from several of Paterson residents urging me to seek the office of Mayor of Paterson. After prayerful consideration and family discussions I have decided to accept this challenge before me.
Being actively involved in civic and political issues since the early eighties, I have sought to create effective change in Paterson. I have worked for local, county, state and national candidates with the hope of giving Paterson a choice. My family and I now feel that the time has come for me to offer myself as a servant in the public arena. I am hopeful that I can bring some of those common sense ideas straight from the people to the city of Paterson.
As you may know, I have also been actively involved in creating change in my community. Through working with the school district on various advisory and curriculum committees I feel we have made some progress, but our victory is faint. My hope is to bring education to the forefront of issues. I believe there are workable solutions available that will enhance our children’s learning achievements and test scores without creating a hardship for taxpayers. I would like to see Paterson schools return to emphasizing academics rather than attitudes and social agendas. State tax laws should allow parents the freedom to choose whether their children will be home schooled, attend a private or public school without being penalized. It is my goal to see Paterson schools once again setting the standard for education, not measuring up to it.
Another area of interest is the tax burden on the residents of Paterson. We are taxing our best natural resources right out of this city…our people. Young families must be able to do more than survive financially; they must be allowed to prosper. Senior citizens should receive the social security due them without once again being taxed on that income. Finally, I refuse to believe it is too late to save the city of Paterson. We need to find ways to help market our resources like tourism without creating yet another government-subsidized program.
As you can see, I am excited at the possibility of serving the people of this great city. But before I can serve I must conduct a very aggressive campaign. My opponents are quite set in their political careers. They have been in office, some for more than a decade. Due to the peculiar layout of this large city and the cost to campaign we must mount an aggressive approach to get our message to all residents. This is one more reason I feel strongly that I must step forward and offer the voters of Paterson a real choice in leadership.
To be successful in this endeavor it will take a very strong and dedicated grass roots organization. I believe the voters of this city will step forward with my family in a united volunteer effort. As you may have guessed my children are already hard at work designing flyers, building winning strategies of their own. All four have volunteered to help knock on doors, place yard signs and of course, participate in any upcoming events.
With thousands of brochures to purchase, hundreds of yard signs to order, scores of radio ads to place, and a large city to cover, I will need help. I am turning to the people who have known me the longest, who know me best, and humbly inviting you to get involved in my campaign and help make a difference.
Your early contribution, made payable to “ Committee to Elect Brown Mayor 2018 ” will give our race a tremendous boost right out of the starting block.
Your gift of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or $1,000 will help me raise the vital “early seed money” I need to successfully launch this campaign.
Our ambitious goal is to raise $100,000 by Independence Day, July 1st, and I humbly ask for your support in helping us rise to this great challenge.
I hope you will help me in my journey to restore common sense to the city of Paterson.
Thanks in advance for your encouragement, generous support, and prayers. My family and I are grateful for your friendship and wish you much blessings and Gods speed!
*Pursuant to New Jersey Election Commission-N.J.A.C. 19:44-1 Anyone making a contribution of 300.00 or more must fill out this contribution form. http://www.123contactform.com/form-...
You may make a online contribution by clicking on the PayPal link https://www.paypal.me/brownmayor201...
*Mail all checks payable to Committee to elect Brown Mayor 2018: 801-11th Avenue Ste. 6D Paterson, NJ 07514
Thank you for your support and donation.
Sincerely yours,
Chauncey I. Brown III, 2018 Mayoral Candidate

*Paid for by Committee to Elect Brown Mayor 2018 Treasurer John Maestrey


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